List of papers
1975 to 1983
Kitamura, T. and Kumar, R.: Time estimation and time production in depressive patients. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 68; 15-21, 1983.
Mackintosh, J. H., Kumar, R., and Kitamura, T.: Blink rate in psychiatric illness. British Journal of Psychiatry, 143; 55-57, 1983.
Kitamura, T., Kato, M., Sakio, E. and Shima, S.: “Paranoid” in DSM-III. American Journal of Psychiatry, 140; 948, 1983.
- Hara, S. and Kitamura, T.: Creatinine phosphokinase in acute psychosis. Biological Psychiatry, 18, 941-942, 1983.
Kitamura, T., Fujihara, S., Kanba, S. and Kudo, T.: Rapid response to lithium in treatment-resistant depression: Two cases from Japan. MedScene, 16 September/October p 17, 1983.
Kitamura, T.: Phoneme discrimination in schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 143; 97, 1983.
Kitamura, T. and Kumar, R.: Time passes slowly for patients with depressive state. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 65; 415-420, 1982.
Kitamura, T.: Time perception of patients with depression: A review. Bulletin of Institute of Psychiatry Tokyo, 22; 115-123, 1979-1982. (with Jpn. abstract)
Kitamura, T.: When and how to withdraw or reduce the long-term maintenance anti-psychotic medication for chronic schizophrenic patients. A research strategy. Bulletin of Institute of Psychiatry Tokyo, 22; 125-132, 1979-1982. (with Jpn. abstract)
Kitamura, T.: How to write a research protocol. Bulletin of Institute of Psychiatry Tokyo, 22; 133-137, 1979-1982. (with Jpn. abstract)
Kitamura, T.: Intermittent pimozide in chronic schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 138; 351, 1981.
Kitamura, T., Mizuguchi, R. and Hara, T.: The change of blood prolactin level due to the withdrawal of maintenance neuroleptics. In (eds.) Obiols, J., Ballus, C., Gonzales Monclus, E. and Pujol, J. Biological Psychiatry Today. pp. 711-713, Elsevier, North-Holland Biomedical Press, 1979.
Kitamura, T. and Yoshida, F.: A Follow-up study on ECG changes due to neuroleptics. Keio Journal of Medicine, 27; 89-97, 1978.
Kitamura, T. and Mizuguchi, R.: Metabolic and body weight changes following the reduction of maintenance neuroleptics. A pilot study. Bulletin of Institute of Psychiatry Tokyo, 21; 135-140, 1978. (with Japn. abstract)
Kitamura, T., Mizuguchi, R. and Hara, T.: Hormonal effects of the withdrawal of maintenance neuroleptics. Bulletin of Institute of Psychiatry Tokyo, 21; 141-151, 1978. (with Japn. abstract)
Kitamura, T.: Family history questionnaire. Bulletin of Institute of Psychiatry Tokyo, 21; 153-160, 1978. (with Japn. abstract)
Kitamura, T.: Is the “drug holiday” harmful? Keio Journal of Medicine, 25; 131-137, 1976.